New Blog, and Purpose of this Webpage/ Our Recently Added Section

June 14, 2016
We added a blog intended to expound more on selected products selling through our site, ETISmart.
Product descriptions that come direct from the manufacturer we understand could become somewhat hackneyed, and those in the market to purchase a new device want as much information as they can that can attest to be bonafide.

The webpages and blog area, which might also be shared on social media and other sites outside of our direct dot com sites such as ETISmart, ETISworld, is 'Why Buy the Product Blogs/Reviews', link to page set in the name.

The purpose of this recently added product area, is to let customers know a product has been added to a larger store.  It is not the long and short of what we offer, and there is no law that says we have to update for every product; by title, it is open ended in terms of what we choose to discuss from recent material. 

On the obverse, the recently added section is not to summarily look up our websites and management of it, to abuse for competition or cull to portray negative representation.



December 14, 2014
Go to preamplifier systems for selection of products

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Docking Stations

November 22, 2014
Added docking stations.  A product is 'on the shelf' ready for your purchase. 

Direct ETISmart Link: Docking Stations

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Laser Pointers

April 10, 2013
They're nice to have, and these days do not cost too much.  Price expectations for a professional looking laser pointer, is about the price of an ink pen of the same quality, about $30.  As quality and product standards change, prices change accordingly.

Link to the products here: Laser Pointers

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Bluetooth Products Categorized, and with Rolling Updates

April 1, 2013
Bluetooth Products Categorized with Rolling Updates, is designed to provide bluetooth products for purchasing, and categorized so that you can find the bluetooth product you are looking for.  Intended to be an improvement upon the bluetooth devices aisle at ETISmart.  While the new bluetooth aisle is being built, there is still a strong selection of quality bluetooth products in the bluetooth devices page.  Rolling updates means new products will be added to the product aisle in the sequence ...
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Racks, Shelves, LAN Workbenches... to put your computers on

November 21, 2012
Don't let the furniture and equipment you already have dictate what computers you should have.  At the click of a button, you have on their way the racks, shelves, workbenches for LAN, and many of them are customizable.

LAN = local area networks
what this means is the workbenches or shelves fit more than a few computers at a time

You can also put printers, fax machines, drives, and other equipment on racks, shelves, or what you might want to call them.

Click the link and go to these products now:...
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Laptop Batteries

November 20, 2012
Laptop batteries

Batteries for your laptop are almost as important as why have the laptop.  Ever needed to find a quiet location, and when you got there, there was no outlet?  Working on your laptop to meet deadline in a mass transit location, and the electricity either went out, or the outlet is not compatible?  One scenario after another; don't be stuck without laptop batteries. 

Need new laptop batteries? 
Get them clicking here: at the laptop battery aisle

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Professional and Business Cases for Laptops and Tablets that Look Presentable

September 25, 2012
You have the new laptop you wanted, you got the new tablet that fits in exactly with your business needs, now faced with the awkward situation of no case to put it in.  It might get scratched, or rained on, and it looks like you could have borrowed it from someone else when you walk into a room.

Click on the links:

Very professional cases and carrying supplies for LAPTOPS

Presentable cases for TABLETS

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Network Management Cards, UPS emphasis

September 18, 2012
Network management cards area

url name and page title name begins with UPS

  • UPS
  • SNMP

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Wireless Adapters

September 12, 2012
With the many different kinds of adapters out there, the wireless adapters product area means the products that usually come in some kind of casing, not so much open cards that you can see all the micro-sized electronic parts usually on a green colored board.  The adapters on the wireless adapters product pages, currently, are in the product description area of USB, LAN, a few other technologies.

As technology continues to progress, there of course stands a good chance that adapters will be in...
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