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Explain the NFC Ring. Superbowl Ring Covers the NFL. 2 Types of Rings.

Posted by ETIS on Monday, January 20, 2025
For right now, key words, right now, there appear to be 2 types of rings, one refers to the National Football League, the other is a piece of technology.
Why do I say, for right now?, only because after decades of following technology, at some point in the future of Superbowl, National Football Conference, AFC title, and perhaps other renown professional sports league rings that are awarded, they might have technology embedded in them, allow for it, or, the ring owner can go forward on the practicality of simply take it to a jeweler that knows how to carve out a microscopic amount of it and place a smart chip in there. For example 5 years from now, 10 years from now, 2 years from now, I'm not here to initiate, but, within a few years, it might be as easy as pie, to embed a microchip into an existing football ring, or any ring.

Microchips, nanotechnology, and so forth, enable rings to do things like open a garage door when you pull a 6 figure costing vehicle up to the house; not everyone hits the financial jackpot some professional athletes do, eventually just about everyone is bound to have a ring if they want it, just like cell phones.

At the turn of year 2000, cell phone ownership started with a few that wanted to stay ahead, 25 years later, toddlers get their start with them. If a kindergartner does not know the basics of how to use a cell phone, it is now an unusual situation, at least in big industrialized cities.

This conversation originally got started trying to clear up the difference between the words seen on the Internet screen, NFC rings or Rings,- at first it looked like they were talking about football rings, after all, they are rings. Closer inspection shows that there is a whole line of technology called NFC rings coming from NFC Rings, such as NFC smart chip ring, that right through here, is among the top of the list for wearable technologies. Wearable technologies are just that, technologies you can wear.

Circling back and running through it again, NFC Rings is a smart ring producing organization that grew from McLear Ltd's founder teaming up with the founder of Wordpress, in brief words. The NFC rings can empower wearers to open that garage while sitting in your car, stuff that used to be on Saturday morning cartoons decades back, superhero tech gadgets.

At this point, some of the rings are under $4.

The surge has barely gotten started. One might imagine a smart ring going from anywhere of today's dollar value of about $2 to $2,000 within a few years, depending on quality and capacity, similar to the laptop trend.

When laptops first came out, they were somewhat expensive but worth it. Then prices leveled out and the majority of the market actually became the majority market share. In the past several years, many laptops on the shelves of retail computer stores sell laptops with a (ridiculously high, regardless of inflation) starting price of about $450 for the cheap option.

The Superbowl ring is about as old, if not as old as the Superbowl itself. One day, whether an NFC or AFC sports ring, made that way or added to, and other sports that offer rings, school rings, who knows, there is bound for some element of technology to be built in, as the computer age is upon the times. At the least, an option for emergency identification such as blood type and allergies may automatically come with rings being produced at the mainstream real soon. 

Meanwhile, NFC Rings, an organization or registered trademark, without veering into corporate details, has rings right now that can perform all kinds of tasks, from unlocking your phone, payment technology such as the newer RingPay*, debut around 2023, and on different online Amazon sites globally, to other voice commands, with all kinds of features, like being waterproof**, and can help monitor your health. Click the link now and get yours while the door is open for high quality at reasonable prices.

*For US customers, if RingPay rings are not available yet at the expected selection for NFC RingPay, check back soon.

**Most of the rings in the available selection at the link appear to be waterproof; the nature of computers and the Internet might leave room for a few products to be in the lineup that are related to waterproof, but not necessarily waterproof per se in the meaning we intended.

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