Showing Tag: "lan" (Show all posts)

Wireless Adapters

Posted by ETISmart on Wednesday, September 12, 2012,
With the many different kinds of adapters out there, the wireless adapters product area means the products that usually come in some kind of casing, not so much open cards that you can see all the micro-sized electronic parts usually on a green colored board.  The adapters on the wireless adapters product pages, currently, are in the product description area of USB, LAN, a few other technologies.

As technology continues to progress, there of course stands a good chance that adapters will be in...
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Security and Surveillance Systems

Posted by ETISmart on Sunday, September 2, 2012,
Security systems in the old fashioned meaning of the word, a system of security to keep us and your equipment safe, such as from someone physically breaking in to your building and stealing your equipment.  Newer meaning of the term, security, especially in the context of computers, often means, security from someone or something hacking into your computer, stealing passwords, and electronic activity of that nature, which can be done from almost anywhere.

The old fashioned meaning of security ...
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