Racks, Shelves, LAN Workbenches... to put your computers on

Posted by ETIS Computer & IT Mall on Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Don't let the furniture and equipment you already have dictate what computers you should have.  At the click of a button, you have on their way the racks, shelves, workbenches for LAN, and many of them are customizable.

LAN = local area networks
what this means is the workbenches or shelves fit more than a few computers at a time

You can also put printers, fax machines, drives, and other equipment on racks, shelves, or what you might want to call them.

Click the link and go to these products now: Racks, shelves, LAN workbenches

This selection or aisle, has products that are really racks, shelves, and workbenches, strong, quality products; not tiny 2 foot wide desks for starter computers for games with one haphazard constructed shelf above that might fall and break your computer.

Tags: workbench  shelves  shelving  racks  computer racks 

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