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The Basics of Distracted Driving

Posted by Support of the Fight Against Distracted Driving on Monday, April 1, 2013
Distracted driving as of March 2013, generally means using handheld devices, other than your steering wheel, while driving.  It also encompasses more than just the consumer public driving in cars, it now includes airplane pilots, truck drivers, and train operators.
A distraction lasting less than a second, could lead to loss of life.  Responsibility by drivers carrying passengers, is increased.  The standard statistic is that in 2010, nearly 3100 people were killed in incidents involving distracted drivers.
The fight against distracted driving is more than just sending a text message, it includes making use of a touch pad, where a driver needs to take his or her eyes off the road in order to make use of the equipment.

The fight against distracted driving does not mean the ability to make cellular phone calls or send e-mail has to come to an absolute halt.  There are technologies which enable a driver to make calls, and accomplish the same as a text, or e-mail, access streams, and listen to information, and abide by the regulations that are designed to reduce distracted driving.

The products in this selection are selected as intended to meet these abilities.

As a continuum of meeting the objective of distracted driving, ETIS International along with providing products available will also provide updates as to newer technologies, that if used correctly could determine whether they are a solution to the fight against distracted driving, or the unfortunate incorrect use of them could lead to distracted driving.  Examples of these are communication watches, and computers embedded in lenses that can be placed over a pair of sunglasses.

Tags: distracted driving  illegal texting 

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